Glossary Item Box

Squirrelcart v3.2.0

PayPal Website Payments Standard


PayPal is an alternative way to allow your customers to pay using credit cards and electronic checks without you having to incur the expenses of a merchant account. PayPal performs the transaction on their website, and adds the money to your PayPal account. For more information about PayPal, see their official site at


This section describes how to configure Squirrelcart with PayPal's traditional payment method, which is called "PayPal Website Payments Standard". This does not cover PayPal's new service called "PayPal Website Payments Pro", which acts more like a traditional payment gateway. Instructions on setting up PayPal Website Payments Pro can be found in the topic with the same name in the Configuration > Payment > Payment Gateways > Supported Gateways section of this documentation.


Before you can accept payments via PayPal, you will need to sign up for an account. You can do so by clicking the "sign up" link at When you complete the registration, you will have specified an email address to receive payments to. You will need this email address to configure Squirrelcart to work with PayPal.

Supported Features
Auto Return

Auto Return for Website Payments allows merchants to eliminate the Payment Receipt page in the Website Payments flow and automatically return buyers to their website upon payment completion.

PayPal now allows customers to pay using a credit card without having to have a PayPal account. As of this writing (10/31/2006) the Auto Return feature only works when the customer pays using their credit card. For this reason, you should also enable IPN which will be able to complete the order in Squirrelcart when a customer pays without a PayPal account. If your server does not meet the requirements for IPN you should disable Auto Return.


Payment Data Transfer (PDT)

Payment Data Transfer provides merchants with the ability to add additional security to a transaction by having your web server send a behind-the-scenes query to PayPal to ensure that the data received from an "Auto Return" did indeed come from PayPal. PDT requires CURL and OpenSSL.

PDT works in conjunction with Auto Return to transmit payment details back to your website. You must enable Auto Return to use Payment Data Transfer.


Instant Payment Notification (IPN)

PayPal's Instant Payment Notification allows you to integrate PayPal payments with Squirrelcart's order management feature. IPN provides immediate notification and confirmation of PayPal payments you receive, and allows Squirrelcart to update the payment status on orders in your database. If you activate IPN, you will receive an IPN when a payment is first received, which will display the status of the payment (Completed or Pending). If the payment status was Pending, you will receive another IPN when the payment clears, fails, or is denied. IPN requires CURL and OpenSSL.

Payment Flow

The payment process flow will vary depending on which (if any) of the supported features you enable. The illustration below demonstrates the payment process flow based on your configuration.

PayPal Payment Process Flow


Enabling PayPal Payments

Auto Return, PDT, and IPN are optional. First, we will explain how to setup Squirrelcart to accept PayPal payments without using these additional components. Then we will explain how to enable the additional features. Please read this section in its entirety before following the steps.


Basic Setup
  1. If you do not have a PayPal account, visit and signup.
  2. Login to Squirrelcart as admin and open the control panel.
  3. Click Settings > Payment > Methods from the admin menu system.
  4. Click on the record labeled PayPal
  5. Enter your PayPal payment email address in the Payment Email Address field. If you have multiple payment addresses configured for your PayPal account, use the primary address.
  6. Make sure the PayPal Mode field is set to Live
  7. Choose your currency using the Currency Code field.
  8. Check the Enabled field
  9. Click Save Changes


Auto Return Setup

There are no additional requirements for Auto Return. We recommend that you enable it, as it will allow Squirrelcart to complete the order AFTER the customer has submitted payment. With Auto Return off, the order is completed before the customer is sent to PayPal.

  1. Open PayPal's record in Squirrelcart (see Basic Setup above)
  2. Check the Auto Return checkbox
  3. Click Save Changes
  4. Login to your account at
  5. Click the Profile tab
  6. Click Website Payment Preferences

    EnlargeClick to enlarge
  7. Click "On" in the "Auto Return for Website Payments" section.
  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save"


Payment Data Transfer Setup

PDT requires CURL or fsockopen support, and OpenSSL. Do not enable PDT unless CURL and OpenSSL are available.

  1. Auto Return must be enabled. Follow the instructions in Auto Return Setup above.
  2. Login to
  3. Click the Profile tab
  4. Click Website Payment Preferences
  5. In the Payment Data Transfer section, click on
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save
  7. When you click Save a message will appear at the top of the page indicating that you have successfully saved your preferences. Your identity token will also appear in the context of this message. You will need this information in the next step. Select the entire line of text after "Identity Token:" and copy it to your clipboard. This token will always be available should you need it on the Website Payment Preferences page.
  8. Open PayPal's record in Squirrelcart (see Basic Setup above) 
  9. Check the PDT field. The Identity Token field will appear to the right.
  10. Paste your Identity Token in the Identity Token field
  11. Click Save Changes

Your business PayPal email address must be confirmed in your PayPal control panel for PDT to work. If you do not have a confirmed email address, you will receive the following error message:

Error: No data received from PayPal. Merchant PayPal Business account email address may need to be confirmed in PayPal control panel.

When using PDT, your Payment Email Address in Squirrelcart must match your primary payment address in PayPal. If it does not, PDT will fail.


Instant Payment Notification Setup

IPN requires CURL and OpenSSL. Do not enable PDT unless CURL and OpenSSL are available.

  1. Auto Return must be enabled. Follow the instructions in Auto Return Setup above.
  2. Login to your PayPal account at
  3. Click the Profile tab
  4. Click Instant Payment Notification Preferences
  5. Click Edit
  6. Click the checkbox, and enter the URL as follows:


    Change the domain name to match your site. If you have installed Squirrelcart in a subdirectory, be sure to add that to the URL. For example, if your storefront page is, then your IPN URL would be
  7. Click Save
  8. Open PayPal's record in Squirrelcart (see Basic Setup above)
  9. Check the IPN field
  10. Click Save Changes 
Testing IPN

To ensure that IPN is working, we've added a testing feature. It is designed to send an email to your PayPal email address whenever your website receives an IPN from PayPal. The email will contain all the data that was sent to your site. To enable this test feature, follow these instructions.

  1. Make sure IPN is enabled per the instructions above.
  2. Open the PayPal record in Squirrelcart
  3. Check the Test IPN checkbox
  4. Click Save Changes



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